After a fantastic set of auditions we are delighted to present our stunning cast as follows:
Tevye – Steve Brown
Golde – Issy Wiggins
Tzeitel – Kim Davidson Rabin
Motel – Sean Johnson
Hodel – Saskia Hirsh
Chava – Katie Willmott
Shprintze – Leila Hoch and Danielle Zilberman
Bielke – Poppy Polivnick and Emma Zilberman
Lazar Wolf – Richard Kessel
Yente – Rebs Binstock
Fruma Sarah – Georgia Dove
Grandma Tzeitel – Diane Breckon
Nachum – Jason Lane
The village children are:
Sadie Franklin
Ariella Polivnick
Katie Smullen
Codi Garnelas
Sidney Mittleman
Lucy Polloch
Jess Binstock
Beth Bookatz
Jayden Seder